{Kill the Lights.

{Friday, February 27, 2009
3:22 AM

yesterday is so damn fun!!!!! we played ERP (ethan runaway project) it is like so damn fun larhz!!! Sherman Kieran and me ran to the ish without Ethan knowing then later Ethan starts to call me and he said like where the heck are you at?? and then we were like telling him we are at drink stall then later we trick him to ish and said that we are like playing basket ball there and then i started to call Ethan again and then i said that we were at the drinkstall and then while he was walking to the drink stall we went to the ish ^^ then later Ethan found us....... =.=" the week before Sherman Ethan Sean and me was playing KRP (kieran runaway project) then kieran got so damn dulan that he went and kicked our bags and he went home =.=" if this is kieran reading pls dun be so emo!!!!! it is not like you want to let the whole world know that you are sad or angry...... and my maths test is like so damn low aiya because of the stupid A HENG AR the teacher set one.....

{Saturday, February 14, 2009
5:33 AM

Wahz, today so damn dulan, first, today come back from sch taking public bus got one lao auntie sit beside me =.=" then later when i am at home i forgotten to bring back my bat cover =.=" then later when i swimming that time i swim swim swim i knocked my head against the wall like 3 times a the row...... then later when i come bak from swimming lesson i dropped my goggles then i have to find it i walk walk walk then i thought some one took it but in the end it was at the lift down there =.=" then later my bro when to drink water on the bed until he spill the water on the bed until the entire bed wet until like kanasai liddat...... then later my bro went to pill water on his pants when he is drinking his water i look at him also damn dulan, then later when i playing audi that time my com hang than later dc...... than now when i typing my blog my bro think he so good liddat go tell me the sentence not well made when his english like shyt=.=" I AM SO DAMN DULAN

{Friday, February 13, 2009
6:51 AM

Wahz, today maths test so hard lehz........ aiya is the stubid A HENG AR the teacher set one...... dun even know how to set the test question, all copy from other school exam papers one, that is oni for the primary 5 questions, but, for the primary six she go set all the questions all so easy like i throw one KFC mash potato at her face, than she know how to say A HENG AR! annot hahaz and then the stupid emotionless chinese teacher give me spelling......then nid to do corrections at home =.=" so sian lehz....... aiyaz nthin much to say le BYE!!!

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