{Kill the Lights.

{Saturday, January 31, 2009
3:32 AM

On friday got 2 crazy teachers...... One lehz is Mrs Heng...... the other one is Ms Chin. Mrs Heng goes crazy everything all study study study then later say no time because we talk but it is actually she waste her own time explaining all those nonsense that we already know.......than she must reapeat repeat repeat........ until i can memorise what she says.......everytime i thing of her i always remind about all the complains that she had complained...... Then, later she stuff us with all the work and call us to complete........ Now is Ms Chin"s turn ........ during P.E. she always treat us as primary one........... must call us keep total silence when we are already primary 6......... she just like not during the correct thing then during P.E. she always scolds us cuz we always didnt do wat she wants us to do then at the end of the lesson she will juz randomly pick out people to scold and treats us like shyt!!!!!!

{Thursday, January 29, 2009
4:22 AM

wahz today not really anything happened...........

{Wednesday, January 28, 2009
3:41 AM

Wahz....... today got so much to homework to do........ 1 science work book pg 19-35. 1 math work sheet 2 page........ then nid to learn chinese spelling =,=" at least today not that sway larhz

{Monday, January 26, 2009
6:05 PM

Wahz 2nd day of cny..... I yesterday money also never recieve alot lehz.... I think this year got back luck T.T then today my father company coming i dunno they give me $1 or $10 . Aiya..... dun care liao lar bad luck bad luck lorz. Tomorow nid go sch leh aiyo holiday end so fast...... I homework also haven finish =P hahaz. I WISH ALL OF YOU A HAPPY NIU YEAR!

2:07 AM

Happy niu year! My year! I wish all my frenz and my family happy niu year. Come give me ang pao! Money put more abit because my year lehz! The more money the more merrier i am. So, more money you give me the more gd luck... you put $1 i push you down the building also can!

12:53 AM

Hi, this is my new blog! pls tag me!

* Hover "{Kill the Lights." ! -->
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Audi Jie Sinyi

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Background: Photobucket